The 365 Commitment

Even Big Waves Crash – 60 Days Left

Time for me to get serious and stop being a wuss. I get into these string of days where things do not go right, I feel a little tired. I let factors going on around me to impact me emotionally and physically. I let myself have a bit of sugar or some other unhealthy food source on some vain hope that it will propel me forward or get me going down hill again. Well, the thing about setting a difficult forward thinking goal or objective is that the day is coming whether you like it or not. I am 60 days away from my first marathon and I am going to run that race no matter how prepared or unprepared that I am. So I have roughly two months to go. Time to get serious. No more bad eating. No more lazy thinking. It is time to pick myself off the mat, set my shoulders and get ready to put it all on the table.

So how am I going to do that exactly!? I have no idea. I guess I need to start with figuring out what is really causing me to be sluggish this week. Perhaps I can identify that challenge and hit it head on and see what I can do about it. Perhaps I just need to stop whining, suck it up and go extra hard this next few days. I think it is just the way it is. Things go great for a while, and then the doldrums set in and you struggle. Then you overcome and things go great again. It is probably the process of growing. We push forward and have some great success, then we struggle for a while and then strive forward again.

So, every few months I hit a wall and the only choice I have is to rise up one day and push extra hard and break on through to the other side. So it is time to get serious. Overcome the latest round of slight discouragement and find the extra motivation to fight to get to the next level. I realize that I am probably being a bit melodramatic. My low points now are infinitely higher then my high points used to be. So I should be grateful that my peaks are hitting new highs. So I guess when I bang my head, or run of air when reaching for new altitudes I should just accept that and realize what it is.

So I hit a wall this week. I ran more then I ever had before last week, and I tried to do some new exercises that I was not good at. Now this week I am tired and struggling. Funny how that works. The awesome wave that you build eventually has to crash. Time to pick up and go again. Keeping commitments everyday helps me get through these times faster – because no matter what happens – I am keeping certain base commitments. Allows me to weather the storm without having to rebuild every time the wave crashes.

Guy Reams
60 Days Left to 1st Marathon
365 Alumni

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