The 365 Commitment

Day 7 of 84 – Block Time and Say No

Here is a bold step to consider. Take a look at your calendar this coming week and ask yourself the question – am I spending adequate time accomplishing what is absolutely critical to me? Am I putting what is important to me first?

You can then determine some areas you need to focus on to propel yourself closer to that future vision, whatever it maybe. Then you can block time during this week to focus on that. Plan in advance to spend time on what is the most important. Treat this blocked time like an appointment that you have to keep. If I had a meeting with a really important person, like my boss, or a senior executive, or someone that I looked up to that meeting would be really important to me. I would not miss it, no matter what. In fact, I would have a few meetings planned ahead to prepare for that meeting.

So if I am able, and capable of focusing time and energy on a meeting with an important person, then why cannot I focus with that intent and energy on a meeting with myself to work on the most important things in my life?

I have analyzed this question for years. The best I have come up with is that I am looking for shortcuts. I called it the Ed McMahon syndrome. In that secret heart of yours, you are still hoping to get that knock at the door and see Ed McMahon standing there holding a check. You still go to the mailbox and check it just on the off chance that there will be a letter in their from Ed McMahon announcing that yes indeed you actually did finally win that sweepstakes. It is the reason you think and sometimes act upon buying a lottery ticket. It is the reason that you look at the spam in your linked-in messages box. Was today the day that I suddenly and out of the blue got an offer for an amazing job making millions of dollars a year without having to do anything? Nope? Oh well, guess I will look again tomorrow.

Yup, hoping for a shortcut. Well there are no shortcuts. One thing that I remember learning from my father, and my grandfather. The only real shortcut is the one that you create after years of experience and practice. So stop waiting for Ed McMahon and get to work. That starts by scheduling time with yourself and consider that your most important meeting this week.

You are more important then your boss, your bosses boss, or even Ed McMahon. You are the only path out of your situation. You are the solution and you are the problem. The person that you need a meeting with is you. Figure it out. Work out what you are going to do and how. Sure you will need to meet with people, and yes, you will need to meet with people that you report to or are in influential positions. One thing that I have learned – an influential person is much more impressed with the person that has figured out a plan first rather then coming to a meeting with their hand out.

Do not be afraid. Schedule time with the most important person – you, and get some quality time in working on your goals, perfecting you plan. Say no to all other distractions. No matter the source. If you had a meeting with a really important person with lots of money, you would keep it right? You would not allow anything to interrupt, no matter what. Ok, maybe a family member emergency but even then you would try to make it work. That is how important that meeting is. Well here is a shocking concept. Unless you are willing to treat a meeting with yourself as if you were an important person with lots of money and influence then you will never be a person with lots of money and influence.

That is not my concept, I borrowed it from a person with lots of money and influence! I have a long way to go to get there, but at least I am on the path now. A meeting with myself is now sacrosanct. That time is precious and necessary. It is in that meeting that I come up with ideas, plans, and measure my success. I work on progressing my future self. It would have to be a major crisis to disrupt that time.

If you are not focused on specific and measurable objectives designed to lead you to a future reality, a goal, then my suggestion would be to block time now to get this accomplished. There is nothing more important this this first step toward success.

Guy Reams

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