The 365 Commitment

Day 65 of 84 – I want to become…

So I took some time last night to really focus on my goals. Goals that I could commit to, remember, and refer to every morning in my planning session. Now I am probably an expert in writing goals and failing to do anything about it. I am really good at crafting goal statements. I have read every book there is on the subject I think. I have been through training courses on goal setting, and have even taught a few classes at a College on the subject. So I have several methodologies to pick from.

However, I decided on a different tactic. Instead of following one of the many methodologies for goals setting, I decided to finish the following sentence. I told myself that I was only allowed 4 sentences. I was not allowed to create more of them. The reason I picked four was due to this concept. I have always had goals in four major areas. Spiritual, Mental, Physical, and Financial. So one sentence per area – that is it. If I had two under one of these categories, I asked myself to consolidate into a higher objective. Here is the sentence that I created:

I want to become [insert description and/or title here] and I will know I have achieved this when [insert a specific event or action here].

This sentence is surprisingly hard to complete. It is even more difficult to settle on only four. However, it is interesting what you wrestle with as you do the exercise. Settling on the title is a fun one. I thought of things like, I want to become a good dad. Then I thought, good dad – is that the best I can come up with? Then I thought, well what category would I put that under? Spiritual, I assume? Then I thought what event would occur when I knew that I achieved this title? I went through several events that I could visualize where this would be plainly manifest. For example, the day my daughter gets married and she tells me thanks for being a good dad. I guess that would be a qualifying event. However, I struggled with this selection. Namely because I have 3 kids, not 1. I also have a wife in the mix and where does that leave her? I also have other family members that I really care about. So I need a higher level then dad. That of course sent me into a real quandary – because what is better than being a good dad? I finally figured it out. It took a while. I will not share here, I do not want to spoil it for you and yours maybe different. I finally figured out a title that fit all those objectives and I determined a specific moment in time when I knew this grand goal would be realized.

The next sentences were easier. The one on physical was easy, as I have a goal already for that. The event in which I would know that it came true was fun to visualize. The financial one was also interesting and also pretty easy. Mental was just as hard as spiritual. I finally figured one out, but I am not really happy about it. I think it is more about ego then mental, but maybe those two are so interlinked it is impossible to separate them! The point is after the wrestle with this, I felt a sense of peace regarding what I settled on. The sentences were easy to read, and I as I read them I felt really inspired. I had a person that I wanted to become and a specific event that would manifest that reality. I can now really visualize these coming true. They seem absolutely impossible, btw. Hey – is that not an awesome goal? Something that really inspires you but is damn near impossible?

Of course just as I finished my four sentences, I had this really bummer of a thought. Now I need to write a second sentence. Here it is:

In order for this to become reality, I must achieve…

Guess I will work on that today.

Guy Reams

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