The 365 Commitment

Blog 246 – Embody King Energy

Each morning I have cultivated the habit of rising and studying and writing.  I do this to exercise my mind, open myself up to good ideas, and “get my mind right” a la Cool Hand Luke.

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog I am currently delving into Jungian archetypes for mature males.  There are four: King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover.

I my meditation this morning, and throughout the day, I will focus on embodying the following “King”characteristics/mindset. Bring calm, integrity and life force. Create order and embody order.  Ameliorate suffering, give appreciation, and know that my purpose is to serve my kingdom (household), minimize punishment and maximize praise, while manifesting a healthy environment.

Focus on living out my values and providing example while being open to feedback, having no need for receiving praise.

Today I will focus on manifest the eternal and ancient King energy.

Ben Wagner (253)

Member The365Commitment

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