The 365 Commitment

Color in the Lines!

My first memory of school was sitting in a Kindergarten classroom and the exercise for the day was finger painting. We had a large piece of construction paper in front of us and we had a palette of finger paints to use. There was some sort of drawing on the construction paper, do not remember what it was. I think it might of been some black and white landscape and our task was to color it in.

This was a very tactile experience. I dipped my hands into the paint and then placed them onto the piece of paper and wiped them around trying to color this landscaping photo. I do not remember if there was a way to wash our hands or not, so that we could use the next color of paint. However, that was lost on me, I just started mixing the colors together in a messy collage. I started imagining in my mind this whirlwind of chaos coming down on this peaceful faux landscape. I do not remember my exact mindset or what I was trying to accomplish, but I was working my way to some sort of impressionistic masterpiece, or at least the 5 year old version of that concept.

My revelry was interrupted when I noticed my teacher standing over me. An older woman that towered over me pointing at my drawing in frustration. I really did not hear what she was saying, and do not remember much, but what I do recall is the one phrase that she kept repeating, “Guy, you need to color in the lines!, color in the lines!”

As she walked away, I stared at the back of her dress as she moved on down the row with her head on a swivel looking for more violators. It was then, at that moment that I made my first declaration as an independent thinker, “I will never color in the lines.”

There you have it, from the mind of a 5 year old a mantra that would stick with me for the rest of my life. So as I think about making and keeping commitments, I realize that there is no one way to accomplish anything. There is just passion, purpose, and dedication enough to figure out how to achieve the incredible. I just simply do not believe you will get there by following anyone’s playbook, coloring within their lines. Sure they can give you inspiration, and potentially some motivation but I think it is more important to adapt, customize and create a pattern that works for you.

You are an individual, with intellectual powers, physical talents, and spiritual capacity. You are capable of creating amazing, crafting beautiful and articulating passion. So, please, for the sake of all humanity, do not color in those lines!

Guy Reams

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