The 365 Commitment

Day 4 – Staying the Course!

Greetings 365 Club!

Yes! I kept my commitment this morning. It was tough. When life gets in the way and you have pressure, stress anxiety building up a “fight or flight” response kicks in and we want to do everything we can to either immediately solve our most pressing problems or flee and run from them as fast as possible!

When you get in this mode – you absolutely are not in the mood to take a deep breath, relax, write down what you want to accomplish, have a moment of peace and solitude in prayer.

Those are the times when this exercise really counts. It may not feel like it. You may thing – geez, I just sat down for 5 minutes scribbled out a quick list, set a quick prayer and did I really accomplish anything? The answer is YES!

When you force yourself to take the critical and valuable moment every morning to focus on what is the most important to you, your family, to others – you are starting to build that muscle memory that you will need each and everyday to stay the course!

So my friends, this is not a silly exercise. This is a life changing experience. Jump in and have some faith. Own your life!

Guy Reams (4)
365 Club Member

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