The 365 Commitment

Day 5 – Be the Instrument

I am starting to experience something I did not really expect in following the 365 commitment. I am on day 5 now. I have had an amazing few days. Things have just seemed to work out for me. Really quite amazing when your mind is clear, and free from oppressive anxiety how that opens you up to moments of inspiration that you may have missed. Some people that read this may not believe in “God” so please do not take offence when I use the term. You can replace the term with the concept of something that is greater then yourself! However, I quite literally believe that when you free yourself from self indulgent anxiety over trivial details – your are now receptacle to the Spirit of God. That influence will direct you in ways you would have missed normally.

This 365 concept has allowed me to be in control of my day, to remind me to focus on the most important things – but more importantly it has allowed me to no longer sweat the small stuff, and be open and able to act on inspirations that I receive during the day.

Yesterday was quite interesting actually, I did not feel stressed about concerns that were outside of my God inspired morning task list. It allowed me to focus on the person in front of me, the work that I was engaged in. I do not want to be as bold as to say that I was actually an instrument in the hands of God – that sounds way too arrogant. However, let me propose this concept – if God needed you to do something, to say the right thing at the right time to help someone, perhaps to do something or take a path you normally would not of – would you be able to listen?

This 365 concept, in its simplicity, has freed me up from a significant amount of stress and now I am able to listen. Yesterday, I said something to one of my work colleagues – and I can tell by the look in that persons eyes when I said it – was the right thing to say. The thing that person absolutely needed to hear. I am very grateful for that inspiration. The relationship I now have with that person has improved more in 5 seconds then it has taken me two years to work on.

The Spirit of God, or whatever you want to call it, is really powerful and can change your life rapidly and in dramatic ways.

Keep up the commitment, you will be glad you did.

Guy Reams (5)
365 Member

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