The 365 Commitment

Day 37 – Serve

A concept in the 365 program – which you will forget over time (I have the practical experience on that) is to use your time that you pray / meditate over your morning list to ask “who can I serve today?” Why is this important?

It is the right thing to do? It is what God wants you to do? What goes around comes around? The golden rule?

I believe this because I have been taught this by my culture and my family. I have faith in the concept because it is the single most important thing you can focus on the help yourself. I know this because I have proven it to be true thousands of times. When I focus on helping others, I help myself.

To use a concept you might have read in a book somewhere – the last will become first. You DECIDE to put your needs last and by so doing become first.

I struggled when I woke up today, but I survived. I kept the commitment. On the list, I put lots of things down. The first thing I focused on was helping others – and tonight I feel much better.

When you are struggling – help someone else out. That is the best advise I will probably ever give anyone.

Guy Reams (37)
365 Member

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