Day 67 – Like Yourself

Be someone you would actually like. Yesterday I took the plunge and posted The 365 Commitment site to my facebook page. Now, I am really not up to speed on facebook – in the tech circles it is just not cool anymore. However, I have a few acquaintances on there so I thought I would post a link to our new blog site. I was a little worried about facing public scrutiny but I discovered something worse – no one really noticed. Well I take that back – a few people did. One cool person actually signed up – so I that made my courageous “hitting the post” button worth it. As I was scrolling through the facebook posts looking for the one that I posted I realized what an interesting cross section of what people are thinking about was put in front of me. Some inspiring, mostly disturbing, and some just down right ridiculous. Anyway as I was scrolling I realized that I had forgot about the famous “like” button.

I thought about that for a moment and realized, what do I “like” in a person? What type of person do I gravitate toward? Who am I impressed by? I started to reflect on that and I started to paint a picture about myself that was different then I had understood prior to this thought process. I really like people that create things, that take risks, that come up with different perspectives, that overcome great challenges. So two thoughts on this – 1. I should probably seek out more people like this and 2. Perhaps I should try to become more like that type of person so that I would “like” myself.

So My 365 commitment list this morning has a few concepts that I want to explore. How and what can I start to do to become the type of person that I would be impressed by. What I am going to have to do today is to think about who I am, and what gaps exists between what I am now versus what it would take to become a person that I would think – wow – I would really like to meet that person. If you were not you would you want to meet you? Chew on that quandary for a minute!

Dr. Jordan Peterson – – in his new book called “12 Rules for Life – An Antidote for Chaos” talks about raising children that you would actually like. Meaning, if your kids were not your kids, would you like them? His concept is that if you are raising people that no one is going to like, then you are doing something wrong! I think the principle applies to ourselves as well. Are we becoming a person that if we met him/her for the first time, would we want to get to know them better, hang out with him/her?

The answer to this question could possibly be discouraging, perhaps even depressing. However it is a reality that is probably very important to reconcile with. In fact this ability is probably what makes us intelligent. I would not feel bad about the discovery that there are some aspects of yourself that you may not like, I would take it as a challenge and something very important to work on.

Do you really like people that help you and seem to always want to serve others? Then start doing that. Do you really like people that seem like they are really organized? Then start doing that. Do you really like people that are fun? Then start doing fun things. Do you really like people that have good stories to tell? Then read more stories. Do you really like people that seem really spiritual? Then do more spiritual things. Do you like people that are really articulate? Then start writing. Do you really like people that listen to you? Then listen more.

In essence if you really want to like yourself then start doing the things that people you like do!

Guy Reams (67)
365 Member
Like Yourself

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