The 365 Commitment

Day 71 – Learn to Fly

I am sorry. For those of you that are on the 365 path, you may find that God and/or the Universe has plans for you. Whereas that may sound wonderful, you may also discover that your life may need some rearranging to become more in harmony with that purpose. That could be painful, disruptive, and a major challenge for you. You may be learning to fly.

A few days I ago, I wrote about having faith enough to take a step into the unknown. The hope is that you will find solid ground when you step into the unknown. However, I think we have to realize that if you are on the wrong path and a course correction is required – you may get to learn to fly. Have courage! Sometimes the best path is not the easy one, the frequently traveled one. For you – a new path may have to be forged and that is not going to be easy!

Just because it is hard does not make it the wrong path. Get that out of your head right now! You get better with strain – exerting yourself under tension. The more you push against a difficult burden, the easier that burden will become and you will develop the strength to pursue even greater burdens. I am not saying you cannot enjoy life, you should. However, I am saying you cannot seek the easy way your whole life. You must, you are required to turn and face the strain.

So you need to learn to fly now, but you ain’t got wings? You are too old, too fat, too skinny, too weak, too dumb, too poor, too scared, too  this and too that. Everyone feels this way. Get over yourself. You are in great company. People like you that overcome these objectives and press on become powerful. They become instruments in the hands of God, or perhaps they just become inspiring. This is the new you – recognize the challenge you have and go get those wings, or figure out a whole different way to fly.

Have some courage. Keep the 365 Commitment and do not be afraid of any changes that are coming. Changes are happening for me. Weakness is becoming strength.

Guy Reams (71)
365 Member
Learn to Fly


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