The 365 Commitment

Day 112 – Let Yourself Think

I have discovered a real power in letting myself think. I have always wondered what causes me to slide into a mental “funk” sort of state. Seems to happen periodically, usually in stressful times. Then after a few days I find a way to climb out of it and I am on my way to great things again. Some of you are thinking – Guy – you are suffering from mental illness. Perhaps that is true – but if that is the case – I think a lot of us are mentally ill! Perhaps it is not illness after all, perhaps it is being human.

I have tackled trying to solve this for a long time. I have gone through periods of resignation – where I forced myself to come to grips with the reality that this is just the way I am. I am going to slide into despair now and then and there is just nothing I can do about it. Instead of over reacting, I will just let the natural progression occur and come out the other side stronger.

This last few days I have learned a powerful lesson – I need to let myself think. If I go for long periods where I am over taxing my mind and soul then I will start to recoil and withdraw. My remedy for this last two days was to just simply let myself think without restraint or without pressure. I decided not to act on any thoughts, nor did I decide to be overly worried about where my mind goes. Just let myself think and sort of like surfing, just let the power of the wave take my mind to the place it really wants to go.

Perhaps that is a dark place – nah! I discovered that is is not. It is when I bombard my mind with external influences that my mind goes into dark places. When I let my mind be free from influence, and let it take a natural progression I navigate toward places of strength and comfort and that is what I have done this last few days. I am very inspired by this and have started to incorporate this into my routine. Allowing me time to think without constraint.

I have also considered this fact – we have to let others think. Your family, your children, your student, your friends, your audience, your employees – they all need time to process and think. Do not overwhelm them with content and instruction. Keep the messaging simple and relevant and let them think it through. the mind is pretty powerful, you do not need to do much to compel it to a place of thought and introspection. You can crowd and overwhelm the mind, which is the greatest danger.

I took a vow yesterday – that I am never going to use a power point to convey messaging to others again. Any of you that are in the business world know just how insane that vow is. I relish in insanity.

Guy Reams (112)
365 Member

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