The 365 Commitment

Day 131 – Meet 1 New

I am starting to work out some core beliefs that drive my day. As I contemplate my 365 list each and every day, one of those beliefs that has emerged is the following concept:

“The person with the greatest impact on your life – you have not met yet”

I do not suppose you have to believe this is actually true. My wife has had an obvious impact on me, so I am probably going to be hard pressed to find a person that will have a greater impact then she has! However, that is not the point. This concept is an attitude that you wake up each day with. If you go about your day thinking that you could potentially meet a new person that would dramatically change your current course – then would that change your daily behavior?

I would hope so! Quite literally the greatest path to success in any endeavor is meeting new people. The more people you know, the more people you talk to, the more you learn. So I have started adding to my list each morning – meet 1 new.

Guy Reams (113)
365 Member

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