The 365 Commitment

Day 141 – Great and Wonderful

“I wish to do something Great and Wonderful, but I must start by doing the little things like they were Great and Wonderful”
Albert Einstein

Doing the little things like they were great and wonderful. Amazing concept. Yesterday, as I was starting out my new habit of consider, measure and record I noticed how I was spending a great deal of care to make sure the process I followed was really good. I was investing time into it and was doing everything I could to get it right. I contrasted that with my other habits that I have been doing consistently for a longer period of time. Those are more on auto pilot and although I think the process is getting results, I think I could learn a lesson from this quote by Einstein.

The little things always seem to be the greatest stumbling block to those who want success. They always want the big win, the accolades and rewards of being great and wonderful – yet unwilling to even do the little things much less treat those little things like they were great. I think the 365 Commitment is a recipe for treating the little things with this type of respect. Praying daily, reminding yourself of what is important, serving others, holding yourself accountable – these are all little things – but the 365 commitment is teaching us to treat those little things like they are great and wonderful.

By learning to do the small things well, consistently and to the point they become effortless for you – you are preparing yourself. You will be more prepared to do or be something great, because you are built on a foundation of little things.

Guy Reams (141)
365 Member

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