Day 154 – Our greatest weakness

“We are at our weakest when we think only of ourselves.” – Peter Flannery

This concept is at the heart of the 365 commitment. I dare say that the ultimate ambition of a 365 follower is to prepare oneself to be truly able and willing to serve others. Each and every morning we rise and after thinking about what is important to ourselves we think – how might I serve another person?

What could I add to my list today that could add benefit to a family member, friend, or colleague? Can I look beyond my own misery, my own internal struggles and seek to aid another?

If you are stuck in the doldrums of self loathing, fear, regret, and excuse making then perhaps you should consider focusing on helping a fellow human rather then being so focused on you. Amazing how this little bit of medicine has the ability to change your view of the situation, open your mind to reality and provide you with strength to overcome life’s greatest obstacles.

What is the perfect day? It is it a day when you check off all the things that are important to only you – or is it a day when you reach beyond yourself and lift another. I cannot think of a major world religion that does not have this concept embedded in the foundation of doctrine. I know in the Christian philosophy it is known as the golden rule.

Maybe the purpose of our lives is actually very simple. It is to learn to serve another at the sacrifice of yourself. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” This eternal concept is unavoidable I feel. Atheist, Agnostic, or Apostolic you are faced with the reality that the most happy people, the most successful people, the most rewarded people, the most remembered people are the ones that give themselves up for the cause of serving others.

Having said that, I think I will spend the rest of my Saturday relaxing! Ah the weakness and frailty of being human.

Guy Reams (154)
365 Member


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