I had something else to write on this morning, but it was blah. I mean it was probably clever and interesting, but at the end of the day rather meaningless. In searching for profound meaning today, I started exploring things that I know that I need to do to improve certain situations. Goals, objectives that I need to set – but for some reason I am reluctant.
Instead of being reluctant, I need to be bold. Being bold is scary, but I need to be purposeful in my pursuit. That is the spark of leadership many people are looking for. A team wants someone to charge in front and illuminate the way. I have noticed this about myself. When I see a good person put their foot forward, I am inclined to want to support them – because at the end of the day boldness itself is a attribute to warrant support.
Perhaps this is why some of our most famous leaders in world history have been rather deplorable people. It is also why we celebrate with intensity any one person who is a good person and also bold. That is a rare combination indeed. We probably need more of you in society. Anyone who reads this, and considers themselves a good person, a humble person, a person that is willing to put the needs of others before your own – we need you to be more bold.
Be courageous – do the thing that you know you must but are reluctant to because of fear. Fear of rejection, fear of inspection, fear that your weakness will be discovered. Please disregard all that. You are a good person, that is enough for me. We, society, will eventually forgive all your faults if you are bold enough, strong enough to put yourself out there and try to make a difference.
I am setting out today on my 365 journey thinking of how I can be more bold. What am I hesitating on now that I should be doing. Stop thinking and do!
Guy Reams (171)
365 Member