The 365 Commitment

Day 186 – Outward and Onward

I had this thought pop into my head running the morning that in order to move onward you have to think outward. When meditating you are taught to keep your head up and straight, not slumped. Your body is not in relaxed condition, but rather a position slightly under strain – you are projecting outward and by so doing recognizing inward energy.

You can really only understand an energy source by watching a flow. You would not recognize a moving river unless you can actually see the flow of water. You could not tell the powerful energy in the oceans, unless you witnesses the waves crashing against the shore. Movement is the evidence of the energy source.

The same is true for our ambition. The only time you can really recognize the inner strength, conviction, passion that you have is when you are projecting outward and really trying to help others. You must press forward against the strain and cause movement and then and only then can yourself and others witness the energy that lies within.

If you are constantly thinking inward, then you will be at tempest inside but look, feel and actually be laggard in your activity and interaction with the world. The only way to get that tempest to work toward benefiting you is to aim it in an outward direction. You can choose an enemy, and aim your outward energy at that source. You can also choose to serve and help others and aim that energy in that direction. I am sure we could analyze the qualitative nature of energy flow depending on  the direction it is aimed, but regardless of the target – outward energy is required to demonstrate motion.

Motion is the only evidence you, or anyone else has for what makes you great. If you are not generating motion, then you are actually  not moving. You can sit by and claim to have lots of energy and passion but no one, including yourself, will believe you until there is actually movement or flow of energy to prove it.

So basically get out your front door, pick a target, and start moving.

Guy Reams (186)
365 Member

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