The 365 Commitment

Day 193 – Ambiguity is Ok

I think I discovered by accident yesterday a reason that causes inactivity by people in achieving what they need to do. The reason is the inability to accept ambiguity. I am certain I could discover a deep seated philosophical reason behind this, but the inability, or lack of desire to handle ambiguity leads to paralysis.

If people have an undetermined question or fuzzy outcome, or do not really understand the full path they may feel that there is too much ambiguity in that direction and therefore will not pursue it. It maybe the absolute best, correct path to take, perhaps even the only path to take but a little ambiguity and all bets are off.

Why do we resist ambiguity? Do we have an over emphasis in logical decision making that leaps of faith are considered reckless? The point is that you are always taking a leap of faith. You may have gone through your thought process and figured out how to trick yourself into believing the correct course of action.

Here is an interesting thought. The actions that you want to take, you believe your internal lies and take the leap. The actions you do not want to take you do not accept your logic, and reject the path all together because there is too much ambiguity.

Hate to break it to you, but the fact that you will be alive tomorrow or even next year is not a fact…your very existence is ambiguous!!

Perhaps that is the answer, we are so frail and mortal that we are constantly trying to remove as much ambiguity as possible, it is just pure survival instinct kicking in.

You need this instinct when you are about ready to walk into a dark alley and there are some people lurking around that are suspect. That is ambiguity that you need to clear up…and fast.

We, well I should say I. I write this blog as if I am speaking to people when in reality I am speaking primarily to myself! Anyway, we need to tame this primal instinct and not let it kick in on every decision. I expect when it prevents us from even leaving our house, we name it a disease. However, if your unwillingness to accept ambiguity is preventing your success then it is time to really think that maybe your are letting that primal instinct go to far.

Humans are explorers. We test boundaries, we take calculated risks. Ambiguity is all around us, that is why we were blessed by God and nature with a physical body and mind capable of interacting in a dexterous and agile ways.

You can only progress by taking the leap, taking risks, accepting ambiguity as ok. In essence relish the grey.

Guy Reams (193)

365 Member

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