If you start out on a ambitious commitment, like I have you are going to run into people that are more successful then you at what you are trying to accomplish. This will be somewhat disheartening. You will think, geez, all this effort and I am not even close to this person. Wow. What will it take?
It will take consistency. Can you take a moment and comprehend this? My entire life I have thought that I have to do something unique, special, awesome, inspiring to accomplish greatness. For example, if I want to be in shape like that person then I need to run a 100 mile marathon event. The lesson that I have learned is that thinking is WRONG. The correct thinking is that to be like “that person” then you need to be CONSISTENT at something positive for a LONG period of time.
That is it. Simple. Do not make it more complicated then that. You want to be healthy? Then pick a healthy activity and do it every day, consistently. You want to be really smart? Then pick a mentally challenging activity and do it every day, consistently. You want to learn a foreign language and speak fluently? Then pick a activity that forces you to speak, write, or read that language and do it everyday, consistently. You want to become more influential? Then pick an activity that forces you to meet new people and do it consistent, every day, every week, whatever it requires.
Did you hear me? All you have to be is consistent at something good for a long period of time and in it will not take very long for people to be standing in a room with you thinking in their minds – “wow, I wish I could have that kind of discipline.”
Stop using the “great, awesome, and powerful”‘ thing that you think you have to do as an excuse not to do anything. STOP NOW! I wish I had someone shake this out of me when I was 15. Imagine what I could have accomplish with all my passion, energy and enthusiasm if I just simply knew that a lifetime of dedicated good habits would inevitably lead to something great.
The fact is that I do not have to be 15. A good habit, practiced over a period of time – lets say 365 days – will lead to something great. The better the habit, the better the result. This is why I spent some much time thinking about what was the absolute best habit that I could develop to start with.
So stop wallowing! Stop waiting for the time when you will have enough energy to climb everest! Just start walking right now. Just pick something and do it everyday and get back to me in 90 days. I absolutely guarantee a positive outcome.
Guy Reams (194)
365 Member