The 365 Commitment

Day 225 – Mental Stability

I was not expecting this benefit from consistent, repetitive habits that I maintain everyday. I have been experiencing more mental stability lately. Not that I was insane or anything before. I would have periodic down times, or a few weeks occasionally when I felt down or depressed. I do not think I ever qualified for the clinical definition of depression, but I would feel discouraged or overwhelmed and would not react to that feeling very well.

This has gone on my entire life. I do great for a while and then I fall into a downward spiral for a little bit. I would then shake myself out of it and get back at it. This cycle has repeated for as long as I can remember.

The fascinating thing is that I have not had many of those lately. Sure I have had a moment or two of discouragement or feeling drained. but nothing like the downward slump that I used to experience. I think there are a few reasons for this. First, the 365 commitment requires me to wake up every morning and focus on what is important. I am also committed to a variety of productive things everyday. I just simply do not have time or luxury to dwell on the problems any more. Also, the physical activity has certainly done wonders.

I did not intend to discover this benefit. However, this benefit alone is worth this entire commitment. Having a respite from cycle of mental swings had definitely given me a new perspective on life. Stability has never been something that I had even thought was possible.

Guy Reams (225)
365 Member

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