Day 226 – Good Days

Been thinking a lot about what makes a good day. I used to believe a good day was a day that I did some basic things. However, now that I have made those basic things habits they happen everyday. This puts the concept of a good day into a whole new perspective.

If everyday I accomplish the basics, because I have established good habits over a long duration of time, then what I am left to conclude as to what a good day is?

I suppose a good day is when I really do well at my habits. For example, I really run energetically, or I really spend time in quiet meditation and gain value from those experiences. However, another way to look at a good day is what I was able to do to accomplish my objectives with my available time.

A bad day for me recently is a day when I do my good habits, but I do not focus on my objectives – rather I just go through the motions and get through the day. Having said that, this new bad day is infinitely better then my old bad days! That is the power of habit. The good days are when I have time to truly focus on what is important to me.

The unfortunate reality is that there are not many of those days. Hopefully, I can learn to have some more really good days!

Guy Reams (226)
365 Member

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