The 365 Commitment

Day 347 – A Firm Foundation

I have tried to maintain a blog everday of my commitment, and as I have done so I have tried to keep the content secular in nature. I think I recognize that even though a core principle of the commitment in have been following is prayer, the concept will have efficacy regardless of any particular religious dogma.

Having said that, I have to admit that as the commitment has gained strength I have noticed that the cornerstone of this has been my faith in God. This foundation is critical, because as the tough times occur I have a solid basis on which to weather the storm.

Jesus taught this concept in his Sermon on the Mount saying that a wise man builds upon a firm foundation and not upon a sandy one. Above anything else, a foundation built upon correct principles and rooted in faith is a sure place, a safe place in which to build.

I think I understand what this means now more then ever. Although I continue to build, I know that even when the winds do come, I will be able to withstand.

Guy Reams (347)

365 Member

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