Day 28 – Treading Water Beats Drowning

Day – 28

Today was a tough day.  The main thing on tough days is to avoid doing things that will set you back.   Treading water is better than sinking.  So, I treaded water. I was tempted to pull the plug on the whole thing.  That devil was on my shoulder whispering in my ear.  But, it’s nearing bedtime and hopefully I can get a good night’s rest and tomorrow will be better.

I will focus on the habits I am trying to solidify.  Stay the course regardless of the emotions I feel.   We must transcend our emotions, or be doomed to being controlled by them.  Enough of that.  This is the part of the trail where you must put one foot in front of the other, use whatever means are necessary to distract yourself from that voice that says “you deserve this or that” or “I quit.”  Nope. I don’t deserve anything. And I’m not quitting.  Besides, it’s not about getting or winning,  it’s about doing; it’s about not letting circumstance alter your direction .

So what am I going to do?  I’m going to try and get a couple more important tasks done, and then prep for tomorrow, review my list, ask for help, and then sleep.  We’ll see what tomorrow brings.  Whatever it brings, I am determined to not be the source of my own derailment.


Ben Wagner (34)

Member 365 Commitment

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