The Marvelous Increment – 68 Days Left

Ah the marvelous increment. The single most powerful tool in your arsenal of self improvement. You have a dream that you want to obtain? Then all you need to do is this very simple thing. Pick something you can do, something small but effective. Something that will suck but that your mind can conceive that you can do. Once you decided upon it, decide to repeat that something incrementally. Add more as your capacity increases.

This is what you will notice. Overtime, the increment that you decided upon will start to change your life. You will get closer to your dream. 90 days, 180 days from now you will be astonished at your progress. You will get better. Want better results? – then increase the increment or make sure the thing you are doing really sucks. The greater the “suckiness” the greater the progress. But above all things – perform the increment. Everyday. Or as often as you decide. Just freaking do it and keep doing it. How bad do you want to improve?

Well if you want to improve that bad then the price is that you do something that sucks everyday until it does not suck anymore. Then you can add more, because now you are better. Maybe I am oversimplifying, but this attitude has caused more progress for me in one year then I have had my entire life in “wanting to get better.” I am an expert at wanting to get better at something, but rarely able to execute. I have tried to get better at a million things and have tried a million things to do so, but never have kept anything up for a long period of time. Increment thinking works.

Change your perspective. You will not accomplish your future state all at once, you will do so one increment at a time. So what is your marvelous increment?

Guy Reams
365 Alumni
68 Days Left

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