Blog 131 – Saddle Up Rosinante!

“Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm”            – Unknown Author

This quote cracks me up.  I am laughing at myself, because right now I am working up some enthusiasm to once again lurch forward toward what I want.  I want to re-start a habit I began on January 1.   I want to stab a bad habit in the heart and right the kingdom. 

For 40 days I ate virtually no carbohydrates and focused on consuming lots of good fats, moderate protein, and some veggies.  I converted myself into a fat burning machine.  I noticed some things.

NO longer did I get super hungry before meal time. I slept well and woke up fairly energized.  My mood seemed leveled out and remained rather steady, and both energy and mood were easily lifted by a 30 minute afternoon workout.  Energy seemed to last late into the day.  Some auto-immune issues seemed reduced as well. 

Then, on day 41, a black mood fell upon me and I caved into the carbs.  That was about 98 days ago. 98 days of what I consider to be a bad habit. No more! 

No! I will mount my charger Rosinante, drop my helmet visor low, level my lance, and spur my stallion toward that ghastly beast and strike a death blow with my strong right arm! 

Am I a deluded Don Quixote?  Probably.  But, I like Don Quixote.  I like his enthusiasm, and his honor.  I even like laughing at myself  when I resemble him getting knocked ass over teakettle as the windmill arm of failure comes crashes down.   

Failure in the past does not preclude success in the now.  So, today I will begin again.  I will saddle up Rosinante right now! 

Today,  I will begin a three day fast and then launch back into my Keto diet.  Yes, I know I made this same proclamation last month.  I did succeed in my fast, but failed to “launch” into my diet.  This time, as I suffer in fasting, I will think through, visualize, and better prepare for the re-establishment of my Keto ways. 

Ben Wagner (138)

Member The 365 Commitment   

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