We are deeply social beings. This fact sets up some needs that must be met if we are to be healthy as possible. For example, we need to play, we need to be heard, we need to be touched, we need friends, and to be part of a group. If we are not experiencing enough of these things then we suffer.
The 365 Commitment can help avoid this suffering. What!? How can this be? Isn’t the 365 Commitment all about attaining lofty goals and embracing the suck? Well, it can be. But, it is really more about reaching any goal that matters. And, meeting our social needs certainly matters.
For example, I know that spending time with my kids in conversation and play is important for them and me, so I often include activities and reminders on my daily list to make sure it happens. I know that giving attention to my wife, spending time just listening and giving affection sustains our relationship – so I often incorporate these into my daily list of what is important. I’m not saying I’m doing this perfectly, but I do think I am doing it better than I otherwise would. In this way, the daily practice, the daily habit, of listing and prioritizing helps me to better create from the potential before me. Putting that question before my consciousness and God each morning and each night “what is most important” helps me to make decisions regarding what I should do, to better utilize my freewill.
This seems to be at the crux of why we have consciousness to begin with, to assess what is possible from the potential right in front of us (what we might do with resources of time, relationships, knowledge, energy available in the near future) and to act in ways that create something of value from that opportunity. I believe this is why we have the ability to think in the first place, to make order out of the potential before us as we move on the time continuum into the future. We live in the now and think about what is coming next and how to manage it. If we are scattered or distracted or caught up in bad habits then we squander opportunity, we are blind to the potential that is right out there. If we fail to apply our insight, talent, creativity, and passion toward our life experience, then we are truly not living up to our potential and that is intrinsically sad, and we all know it.
The 365 Commitment is a way to discipline and marshal our cognitive and spiritual resources so we can do this as well as possible, to live closer to our potential. As I said earlier, it’s not always or necessarily big lofty goals/accomplishments that we must focus on, it is simply what is important in your life; and, relationships are important given our deeply social nature.
Use the 365 Commitment process to organize and marshal your mental, physical, and spiritual gifts to create a better world for yourself, those you love, and your community, and all the world. This may start with just taking care of yourself and your relationships properly – getting your needs met, that’s a worthy goal in my opinion.
Ben Wager (157)
Member The 365 Commitment