The 365 Commitment

Blog 164 – Self-Discipline – More Than a Habit

I am not good at habits and consistent discipline.  Always I have relied upon blasts of energy and last minute cramming.  I’m bored with being this way, so I have  embarked on the 365 Commitment journey.

Unfortunately, competency at discipline and consistency are not just a switch that can be turned on.  You can’t just decide to be a good at playing the piano or any other skill or ability in life; that takes time and commitment and lot’s of practice to get there.  Now, I’m not saying that self-discipline works in exactly the same way, because I think it’s more complicated than playing piano, learning how to write SOWs, fixing motorcycle engines, or leading people. It’s more than a skill.

Self-discipline is also a character thing.  It’s related to innate personality preferences that we are born with.  It’s related to the socialization we experienced during our youth.  So, its something that is  more difficult to incorporate than a mere skill.  However, I believe that if we want to do it we can.  It can be learned and it begins with believing in the idea that self-discipline and consistency are worth changing for.

If you don’t believe that, then you will not act out that idea, it will not manifest in you life.  But if you convince yourself that it is true then I think the idea that a self-disciplined person is something worth becoming, can take hold of you.  So, this desire to become, to change, must occur first if we have any chance of developing ourselves of growing in this direction like a plant grows toward a light source.

The next step in growing in discipline is creating a vision, seeing a picture in your mind of what you wish to become.  Something worth suffering for!  OK, good. Now you are on your way.  Now you can start practicing/learning self-discipline like you would begin learning playing the piano.  Understand that you will probably suck at it.  But daily practice is the key along with holding fast to the vision of the future you desire.  There are some things you can do that will help.

Focus on that future vision everyday.  Write down the most important things that you need to do to get there.  Come up with simple habits that will move you toward your goal and commit to accomplishing them daily.  Embrace the suck.  Call upon a higher power, the highest spiritual good you can imagine.  Let go of the idea that immediate gratification is of value.

Well, as usual I am trying to motivate myself here today.  It’s a Monday and I am beginning a three day fast.  I have a vision of the future I want, and I know that self-discipline  is an important key that I must continue to work on – one day at a time, within the framework of the 365 Commitment.  Onward!

Ben Wagner (171)

Member The 365 Commitment


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