Day 27 of 84 – The Great Work

I have this book of Old English Literature on my book case, and because I did not have my phone today, I was looking around my office for something inspirational to read. So I blew the dust off the cover of this thing called a book and started looking through the pages. I landed on a story in the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. It was one of the Knight’s tales. A story of a romantic and noble hero on a crusade of sorts.

When I was done reading, I logged onto my laptop to accomplish a few things, namely write this blog. Chrome has this thing called plugins and every so often one of them will get installed and run these popup advertisements. This particular time, the pop up was a YouTube video. It was a video from Montero Hill. You will recognize the song, it is called Old Town Road and it was #1 on the Billboard 100 for a long streak.

I realized the interesting comparison between these two individuals that produced an extremely popular work. Chaucer came from a middle class family, a father with good connections set him up as a page for some rich noble woman. While he worked in various civic duties, he was crafting his stories. Montero Hill grew up in a housing project in Atlanta Georgia, then moved to a slightly better area and ended up spending one year in college. He dropped out, and got his first job at Six Flags supporting him and his sister. While he did this, he was working on his “internet personality.” He did not know what it would become, but eventually it would be named Lil Nas X.

Lil Nas X created was working on a YouTube Channel and comedy sketches, and he eventually did “release” his song called Old Town Road. However, it was not until he responded to the advertisement from the App called TikTok when he uploaded a short video of his song for a contest. It was then his song hit mainstream, and climbed the charts so to speak. His song broke barriers – crossing the Rap / Country Western barrier. In the same manner, but with a different delivery mechanism Chaucer delivered manuscripts of his Tales to friends and fellow courtiers. It was rapidly copied and disseminated and become one of the first widespread published English books.

Yes, that is right. I just compared Lil Nas X to Geoffrey Chaucer, the father of the English Language. I make this comparison, because it is funny. They both were comedians at heart and both made fun of the stereotypes of their day. Both used the English language and modern slang in very creative fashion, and both skyrocketed to popularity. The most important comparison, is that while they were both doing their day jobs they were working on their magnus opus. They produced something great, they released it to the world.

So that begs the question. What are you working on that is great!? Something that could contribute meaningful to society? Without Lil Nas X we just would not have lines like – “cowboy hat from Gucci, wrangler on my booty.” We would not have immortalized dismissive statements like – “Thy drasty rymyng is nat worth a toord!” from Chaucer. Seriously, if Lil Nas X can achieve international stardom by creating a song about riding a horse in an urban ghetto, you can certainly create a work of your own. You see the difference between Chaucer, Lil Nas X and you and me is that they DID something about their dreams. They worked hard and produced something, then took a chance. They created something great.

How many of us never even attempt to create something, much less something great? What are we spending our time on if we are not in the process of creating something? I think we all have the potential to create great works, beautiful art, powerful stories, and moving music. You can write something, tell a story, organize something that has never been done before. Support a cause, find something you are passionate about. Work on your life’s work instead of just getting by.

At the end of the day it is much easier to stay motivated, inspired and engaged with your commitments when you are working toward your Great Work.

Guy Reams

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