The 365 Commitment

Day 81 of 84 – Candy Land

Remember the Candy Land game? You start off heading for the Gingerbread tree. You have the possibility of taking a shortcut on the Rainbow Trail, but most of the time you head toward the Peppermint Forest. Then you have the Gumdrop Mountains, Licorice Forest, Peanut Acres, Lollipop Woods, Snowflake Lake and eventually the Chocolate Swamp. Along the way you meet and encounter lots of interesting characters. Mr. Mint, Jolly, Lord Licorice, Grandma Nutt, Lolly, Princess Frostline, and this really strange creature named Gloppy. If you are lucky you will get to King Kandy first and win the game.

The interesting visuals of this game create a magical and fanciful journey filled with color, winding paths, sticky challenges, shortcuts and setbacks. There is a beginning and an end, the rules are simple, easy to follow and best enjoyed with your small child on the playroom floor.

Seems like there is a life lesson here that I should be picking up on!

If you were to create a candy land game of your life experience what would it look like? What turns would it take? What interesting characters would be placed along the way? Would it be full of color? If you had to create a game of your life, for your great grand kids to play, what would it look like?

Having a journey to follow, a map to guide you is an invaluable tool not only for yourselves but for others as well. We forget that people that are close to us do not have the full story. Perhaps it should be told, perhaps your life struggle, life wins should be as easy to visualize as the trail through Candy Land?

Having said that, I am thinking that I need to do more to add some challenges, some more twists and turns, some more interesting characters. The path is not done yet, there is more color to add. What will my ultimate path look like?

I reflect on this because today is 600 days since I started my first real habit. I have 600 squares on my Candy Land Map, what are the next 600 going to look like!?

Guy Reams (600)

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