The 365 Commitment

Resisting Resistance is Futile

All growth is resisted. Stated another way, you cannot grow unless you have resistance. This is a really important point to anyone who has ever got really down because they are facing a lot of resistance. The more resistance that you are facing, the faster that you are growing. If you avoid any resistance, you as a consequence avoid growth. If you are unhappy with the fact that people are resisting you, then you are unhappy with the fact that you are growing. Now, growing could be bad. Growing into a super ego maniacal evil dictator would not be good, but that person would also face resistance.

This unequivocal law, that growth requires resistance has no moral judgement. It is just a fact. You want to grow? Then you must face resistance. If you start trying to grow, you will face resistance. It is absolutely pointless to get frustrated by the fact that you are facing resistance because that is absolutely going to happen every time you try to grow something. We should all then start to recognize resistance from others for exactly what it is. A natural consequence to our growth. Do not blame individuals for their part in the resistance, it is inevitable. People are just naturally going to resist your growth. It is just what happens.

A comforting thought when you are trying to push yourself to grow, or trying to get an organization to grow. You will have internal and external resistance to everything that you are trying to do. Resistance is a constant. You are never, never going to get an organization or a person to grow, with out applying enough energy to overcome the resistance.

No use being bummed out, discouraged, or out of sorts. Resisting Resistance is futile.

Guy Reams

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