A new startup has created an app called IFTTT (link here). The acronym is a play on one of the most common algorithms in computer programming. Very simply stated. If this than that. If something happens then do this particular task. Every programming language since I can remember has had a mechanism for the IFTTT. I would daresay that the common statement of “if” is a ubiquitous concept used in every programming language.

I bring this up, because this morning I was going though my mind a simple routine in my daily life, and I suddenly realized that it was a simple if…then…else algorithm. I thought I had a novel concept, started thinking of an algorithm to explain it, came up with IFTTT. I then googled that concept and sure enough. Someone else has already jumped on this concept as well. Good for them!  I will chalk that up as another one of my great ideas that I was late on. That may have very well been my 1000th one.

Anyway, the thought is still relevant to personal development, keeping commitments and habit forming. Once you have an idea of a behavior that you want to implement, and that behavior is small enough that you actually will do it then it is time for IFTTT. This is a way of thinking that prepares you to actually keep the habit. If this happens, then I will do that. My example yesterday was drinking 16 oz of water every morning. If I brush my teeth in the morning, then I will drink a 16 oz glass of water. This is if then thinking.

It can work on negative things as well. If I get a craving to each something bad that I know that I should not then I will go for a walk and bring an piece of fruit with me. This is a IFTTT to avoid the danger of doing something destructive. You are replacing the bad behavior with your new good behavior by thinking of your IFTTT algorithm way in advance.

We do not commonly think this way. We do not put the effort in to consider the what if scenarios required to maintain and keep good behavior. This is why we always slip and make mistakes or regress to bad habits, because we do not have a plan of attack that preempts the temptation or the extremely strong forces that encourage us to be lazy, eat quick foods, quit exercise too early and anything else that prevents you from keeping your commitments.

Creating IFTTT scenarios are extremely powerful because you can target them at your greatest weak points. For example, you come to work and some well intended person has brought in their excess halloween candy. What are you going to do? If you have not thought through this potential scenario with a solid IFTTT, then I predict chocolate in your future. Better to come up with an idea ahead of time on what you are going to do when faced with this weakness of yours. If you have the response pre-considered, then you are more likely to resist and do the right thing.

Creating these IFTTT scenarios takes time and effort. However, it is not overwhelming. My guess is that you have probably 2 – 3 major weak areas that cause you to stumble in your habits. Just focus on creating these scenarios for those few and see what happens. If the science behind this type of thinking is any indication, you will see dramatic improvement.

Guy Reams

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