The 365 Commitment


Saw this quote today from Shaquille O’Neal;

“Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly.”

I had a few thoughts when I first read this. First was, wow, Shaq has some depth to him that I did not expect. Second was, I guess that makes sense coming from an accomplished basketball player. If anyone would know about repeatedly performing a habit, it would be someone in the NBA. Third thought was, I guess Shaq did not repeatedly practice free throws! Fourth thought was that this quote perfectly summarizes the conclusion that I have also reached over this last two years.

In order to be excellent at any thing you have to make practicing that thing a habit. In essence, if you want to be great, you are required to establish habits that will improve the skills of what you want to be great at.

I am no where near a great runner, but I am a runner now. I think having almost 10 pairs of running shoes in my closet qualifies me. How did this happen? How did I get to the point where running everyday was just as easy as any other daily task. How did I get to the point where I started running long runs, entering races for fun and actually enjoying 20 miles on a Saturday? The answer is quite simple. I just started running everyday. That is it, no other secret. By running everyday, I eventually became a runner. Simple as that.

Shaq was right. If you repeatedly do something, you will become that. It is a undeniable formula for success. So what is the problem? We do not want to do it, I am assuming. At the end of the day, you do not want it bad enough. I imagine behind Shaq’s statement is countless hours as a young man playing and practicing basketball. He may have had some natural talent and some size but he did not become one of the greatest in the game by deciding to sleep in then go to the gym. Something tells me that he was, and probably still is, an everyday guy.

Decide to be something, then become it by doing it everyday.

Guy Reams

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