When looking to achieve something, a great success perhaps, then it is imperative that you first seek to establish the right habits before anything else. Too often we try to shoot for the objective, but find ourselves ill prepared. The path to achievement is the process of identifying the correct habits that you need to have and then set a course on incorporating them into your life.

Think about this for a moment. Think of any successful person in almost any endeavor. When you think about what that person does day in and day out, you will realize that they are a product of the habits in their lives. A swimmer swims, a runner runs, a gymnast is in the gym. All of these examples are people that have a series of habits built into their lives that are more likely than not going to lead them to success.

Sometimes we make the formula for success to complicated. That is because we are looking for the recipe to follow, the shortcut, the way to crack the code so to speak. Reality is that the simple answer is staring us in the face. If you want to be successful at something, build habits that get you do repeatedly do the things that will lead you toward success in that area.

It is really that simple, however, the problem is that we do not want it to be that simple. I speak from hard experience. Only until recently did I uncover the truth that success is made primarily of incremental habit formation. Once you establish the habit, and start to receive feedback, you make tweaks and improvements, however always maintaining the habit. The reality we all want to avoid is this. Success ONLY comes via the process of creating habits and that requires us to be disciplined long enough for the habit to form and that takes a decent amount of hard work.

Sorry, when you enter the shamans tent and take a quaff of truth potion, you very quickly realize one unalterable course. The course to success is mapped of a series of habits that require you to work hard, over an over, modifying improving and slowly building until you finally arrive at that determined event that signifies your success. There just is no other way. Give up on the shortcut and start building the habits you need know. Anything else and you are wasting time.

Guy Reams

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