The 365 Commitment

Going to the Basement – Day 0

I have this process that I call “going to the basement.” I picked it up from Jim Rome, the famous sports radio personality from last decade. he would go off the air for a few days and tell his fans that he was going to the basement. He would always come back with some radical new ideas that would take his show to the next level. I always admired his ability to do that. So as a consequence, I too like to “go to the basement.”

So starting today, I am heading up to the high sierras, walking the JMT (John Muir Trail) and spending sometime in the basement. Except mine is not a basement, but rather the one of the most beautiful areas that God has created. Today is not a hiking day. It is just prep day and I will be heading toward the base camp and getting ready this evening.

I will be completely disconnected from the world, and be sat phone only. Which will allow precious time to disconnect and think about life and important things. I think it is something that all people should do now and then, especially in today’s society!

Guy Reams

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