The 365 Commitment

Write Goals Everyday

If you wake up each morning and wrote your goals down, what would you write?

The thing is that most of us would not be able to write down our goals everyday because 1. We have not articulated them that well and 2. They change too often.

You can write them down if you actually come up with a few. There are many mechanisms for writing good goals, specific and measurable objectives and all of that. However, far more important is to know what they actually are, have them at the top of your mind so that they will ACTUALLY INFLUENCE WHAT YOU DO EACH DAY AND THE DECISIONS YOU MAKE.

So if you want to actually achieve some goals then force yourself to write them down every morning. Ridiculous? I think not. I think it will force you to remember your goals and consequently make better decisions as to what to do with your time.

You can also make sure you tier your goals. Some goals can be a longer term thing, like 5 years. However, I like to have 6 month, 1 year and 3 year goals that I keep. When the 6 months ones get knocked off the list, I add more 1 year goals and move the 1 year goals into the 6 month slot. This way I have a new set of short term objectives always top of mind.

Having clear, time duration goals that you write down every morning is a key to staying focused in life.

Guy Reams

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