The 365 Commitment

Dominoes and Walmart

So stuck late at night in some pitch black parking lot trying to find a location on my phone, I came to a few startling revelations all at once. First, it is really not that hard to be impressive. Sitting in this little small texas town, I imagined what it might have been like when the Sears and Roebuck catalog first started delivering high end merchandise via mail order. I was thinking to people that lived out here, that must have seemed like a miracle to have access to such high quality goods and services. I looked up and realized that things have not changed much since that promise. An Amazon truck pulled up next to me, probably looking to catch some sleep in this parking lot. Here I am in a Walmart parking lot, looking next door at the Dominoes Pizza place.

It occurred to me that this was quite the thoroughfare. Doing some googling, I found out this was the original location for the Comanche War Trail. Sure enough, looking carefully at the road signs I found the placard. People had been coming to this crossroads for hundreds of years. A spring of water nearby guarantees that outcome.

People are people. Things have not changed much. I tip my hand toward the Amazon truck driver and start to head down the road.

Guy Reams

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