Peaceful, Easy, Feeling

So Jack Tempchin had me convinced that I might someday, somehow have this peaceful, easy, feeling. Somehow his love for woman, was going to do this great thing for his soul and all that. She is not going to let him down, cause he is already standing. I do not really know what he was talking about, still don’t. However, growing up I liked the song ’cause I got a peaceful easy feeling.

I have made a few mistakes in this quest –

Mistake #1- I thought that if I worked really had and was really successful and was wealthy enough then I could afford to hang out under the stars like the Eagle song and have that feeling for the rest of my life. Well that was the wrong idea. More money, more problems.

Mistake #2 – I thought that once you obtained this feeling, you could maintain it for an extended period of time. I was always disappointed when I would have this feeling and then find it fleeting and I could not hold onto it very long. Come to find out, this feeling is fleeting. You can catch glimpses but the rest of the time you struggle. That is life, welcome to the party.

Conclusion – I am glad Jack had this feeling and was in the company of a loved one. I am glad he captured it in song. However, I have learned, and he probably did too that you need to cherish these moments, hold on to them as long as you can and remember then well. Your life will be summarized by them as you wind things down!

Guy Reams


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3 years ago

It is all the small moments that are the most important. Moments that “take your breath away”. Your babies first laugh, making a difference in someone’s life, that beautiful mountain landscape after the hard climb, a hug you remember at the right moment. It is all the little things that mean the most.

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