The 365 Commitment

The Pie is Infinite

Sometimes when we view the world, we think there is a limit to the opportunity out there. We think that in order for us to gain, another has to lose. We are, in essence, fighting for our piece of a limited pie. This is a false notion. Just consider the actual reality for a moment.

The population of the earth is continuosly increasing.
The capital markets are continuously expanding.
The development of our urban environments are spreading.
Life is growing

Now we can probably think of a doomsday mindset that will one day consider the earth will run out of resources, become to populated, or get absorbed by the expansion of our exploding star. However, think on this. The richest man on the earth is actively considering and planning for expanding humanity beyond a single planet.

It is the mentality that counts here. The pie is not limited. There is no limit. Stop trying to take and start considering how to grow. Your growth does not necessarily mean another persons demise.


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