The 365 Commitment

Stop the Distractions

We goals, ambitions, daily requirements. Yet, this world is full of expert systems that are designed to distract you and they succeed. It is in escapable. Modern media is purpose built to remove your attention from what you have determined to work on and assign it to someone else. I highly recommend coming up with some ways to cut this out so that you can be distraction free for a while. This way you can solid blocks of focus time.

Here is a trick that I am doing lately. Charge my phone, tablet, watch and other devices in a completely seperate room that is downstairs from where I sleep. I start that when I close the day out, usually around 6 or 7pm. This forces me to have 3 or so hours of unninterrupted time to have some time to focus on what is really important. Like, my family?


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