The 365 Commitment

The Right Choice is Easy to Identify

Design your life so that decisions made in self interest are also the "right choices."

Hard to do, sometimes, but easy to pick. I was blessed growing up. Both my parents families were good people. Both were giving, helpful and would generally make the right choices in life. Some had bad luck, some perhaps lacked a little ambition, but with few exceptions, the people that had a hand in raising me were decent human beings. I had a constant flow of advice from parents, grandparents, great grandparents, uncles and aunts. They all taught me what good is, and encouraged me to make good choices. Figuring out the right choice is generally easy. That is not the challenge.

The single greatest thing my family taught me was that the best path is always the right path. Identifying the right path is easy, having the courage to follow it is the hard part. Courage to do the right thing, even when your own interest maybe at stake is difficult. Most people will not openly admit this struggle, but we all have it. We are constantly put into a position to make decisions about what is right versus what is in our own interest.

Best is to organize your life in such a way that the right decisions are also in your best interest. Then you are not as in conflict as much. This is the challenge. As you go through life, making decisions on what to do and what to focus on will setup your future choices. In my case, I was constantly encouraged to make life choices where my decisions would more often than not also be the right decisions.

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