Day 270 – Everybody is Good at Dreamin

As I was floating in the ocean during the 4th of July festivities, admiring this nice yacht anchored not too far from me, I had an interesting thought. I have seen this yacht before, but only docked. I had never seen it out on the water. However, it was anchored in Glorietta Bay, with 20 passengers all having a good time. I started dreaming. What would it be like to own a similar 100-foot Sunseeker yacht such as this one? Even more interesting was the idea: what would it be like to own a yacht that expensive, docked in an expensive location, and hold a once-a-year party on it for 20 people? That is one costly 4th of July Party!

Why stop there? Why not own a yacht like the Atessa IV, owned by Dennis Washington? I see that boat occasionally as I pass slowly by in my 1991 Cruiser. Who doesn’t need a private helicopter pad on their yacht? I think I could find 30 friends who want to cruise to Hawaii with me, right? My revelry was interrupted when I suddenly realized that my boat had pulled anchor. The tide was going out, and consequently, my anchor was dragging through the mud. My daydreaming was over, and now it was back to work. There is no captain and crew of my little vessel; I am captain, first, second, third, cook, and steward.

As I was cruising back to the marina, I realized something important. Everybody is good at dreaming. Everyone can sit around and wonder and plan for what it would be like to own a mega yacht. Everyone can imagine what it would be like with the perfect job, an amazing portfolio of investments, and assets that allow you to afford such luxurious things. In fact, we are all good at dreaming. We can concoct amazing plans that lead to incredible and wonderful feats. We can dream up what it would be like to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor. As you roam around your neighborhood, town, or city, each and every person you walk past has or is having a dream similar to your own. We are a bunch of dreamers, us humans.

So, if everyone can dream and dream big, then what separates us? You already know the answer because I do. There is a giant chasm that separates dreamers from those who accomplish their dreams. The ones that take action, forge a path, blaze the trails, and get things done. I know nothing about these people who own these giant mega yachts that almost sink me in their wake when they pass by, but I bet if I looked them up, I would find out that they were doers and not just dreamers.

Just because we can dream it up does not make it a reality. We like to pretend that the Napolean Hill concept works – write it down, and then miracles will happen. At least Mr. Hill took the dream one step further, writing it down. Wish that were action enough to get me that yacht. Or how about a vision board? I will cut out a picture of a yacht and put it on my wall – that is some serious action! However, it is not action enough, and I know it. Honestly, not sure I even want a yacht, but the point is that we can dream all that we want to. At some point, we have to make things happen. Everyone is good at dreamin’, but only a few are actually willing to do the work.

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