The 365 Commitment

Passion Play – 82 Days Left

I am imaging this morning a giant stage, with deep red velvet curtains. A large audience all sitting in expectation. The quiet prelude music has stopped and a quiet hush has fallen across the bright faces filled with hope for a great show. Can you imagine that scene? You might have been one of those audience members once preparing to watch a live action drama, play, or some other performance.

As I wake up this morning, I am viewing myself as the actor that has to come out on the stage with the passion, enthusiasm, and energy that will not be disappointing to his crowd. If all the world is a stage, then every morning we have a task at hand. That is to enter the stage with the boundless energy of an emerging actress determined to stun her first audience.

Some of you will scoff at the concept. Life is not about putting on a show for others. Who gives a bleep for what others think, you will say. Ok, I agree with you. However the passion play of your life still exists. Does the actor that really performs well care about the audience? Yes! Of course he does, but why? The great actors, the really good stage actors, want to put on the best show possible. It is their passion. So what is ours?

We all care about doing a great job. We all want others to judge us well. To say otherwise is to lie to ourselves. However, are we as passionate as the masterful actress that pours her heart out on stage during her performance, even if she only has a small audience? I saw a small play once. The lead actress was amazing. Pretty sure it was a volunteer role. Pretty sure she was not going to get any press for her performance. Yet she wept real tears of agony, laughed with the audience as if they were best friends. When she spoke – she spoke straight to you and I think everyone thought she was talking straight at them. It was amazing. The question I am posing to myself this morning, am I just as passionate about my day?

Do I engage in life the same way that actress engaged in her role? Is it even possible to do so? Something in my soul says yes, it is possible. However, I am going to have to dig deep and really challenge myself to be great despite the tedium that surrounds me. I am going to have to be great, despite the pressures that effect me. I am going to have to be great despite the setbacks, despite the criticism, despite the agendas of others. Yeah, I need to figure out how to take a deep breath, let the energy build and leap out onto the stage this morning with all the passion that I can muster.

So I am the author, the director, the actor and the audience in my own passion play. What kind of show am I going to put on today?

Guy Reams (431)
365 Alumni
82 Days Left to 1st Marathon

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