The 365 Commitment

111 – The Victor

A friend can really inspire you.  My friend Tyler called me yesterday and truly inspired me.  He was in the middle of a tough run really pushing himself ascending a steep grade and enduring some suffering in the cause of great benefit.  It was cool and inspiring.  This is something that 365 members do, we inspire with each other, and connect and share our journey and our story.  We have a camaraderie and affiliation that creates joy and meaning.  Anyone reading this can have the same thing.  Make your commitment, share your story with us, we want to be inspired by you and return the favor.

Yesterday, after my call with Tyler, where he took some souls (in a good way), I allowed my alter ego, Victor, to surface and take over my sprinting session . Six 105 meter sprints through deep sand on a beautiful beach barefoot with the risk of random stones and hidden driftwood in the sand increasing the fun.

Victor gave 100%; after each sprint I was gasping for air on my back, heart pounding, legs toasted, until I recovered.  I was in the moment enjoying the challenge and the effort and the pain of each repetition with a sense of dignity and purpose.  I was also  the middle  Day 3 of my monthly 3-day fast.  Was it good for my body?  Not sure.  Was it good for my spirit? Absolutely!

When I came home that afternoon I broke my fast with a fantastic meal and then proceeded to knock out a stubborn task that has been lingering for years! Good Stuff.

Ben Wagner (118)

Member The 365 Commitment

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Guy Reams
5 years ago

You should have done 12 400m sprints, Tyler.

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