The 365 Commitment

Blog 133 – G.R.O.W. Part 2

Do you want to help yourself?  Here is some good coaching advice from Alan Fine.  Put the performer first.

I’m using his advice to help you “self-coach.” To begin, forget about the other people in your head.  There are many perspectives you can take, put the unhelpful ones aside. For example, the Judgment voice can take a seat and zip it!   The other voices (sub personalities) can sit down and shut up too –  the People Pleaser voice, the Sarcastic Slacker , the Depressed E-ore (Winny the Pooh’s Donkey friend), the Childish Blamer, the Arrogant Explainer, to name a few.  These parts of our  personalities (my personality) just get in the way, they distract us, they de-motivate us, they confuse us.  Cast these voices aside, and  sit down with the part of yourself that can get things done, “The Performer” is that part of yourself.

The “Performer you” is the part of you that wants to adopt and maintain some good habits for 365 days in a row, the “Performer” the part of you has a vision and can do it.  The Performer is the part we want to GROW.  Make a conscious decision to set aside all agendas (all those other unhelpful parts of ourselves)  – and  focus on seeing the world through the performer’s point of view.   Through these eyes – everything in the world becomes either something we can use toward use goal, something that is in the way, or something that doesn’t matter.  See the world through the Performer part of yourself.

We all have access to a performance “engine” that Alan Fine describes; Three concepts build upon one another. 1.) Faith 2.) Fire and 3.) Focus.    Faith is about believing you can reach that future state you want.  Have a SMART goal, and belief that you can attain it. This is the Faith you need.  Belief releases Fire, and Fire is the energy and excitement to perform, and Fire creates Focus toward the critical variables – the critical variables are the things we must pay attention to, the things we can measure to create the results we want!

Faith Fire and Focus is the dynamic engine that creates an upward spiral of performance.  In my next blog we will have a coaching session with the Performer part of ourselves.  We’ll have a conversation that will help clarify choices and consequences, and help ourselves engage in a performer driven conversation. Put the performer first whether you are coaching yourself or someone else.

Ben Wagner (140)

Member The 365 Commitment

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