The 365 Commitment

Blog 154 – Language and Atmosphere

I truly want to change for the better.  I’m a bit bored with my old self and part of the reason I have embarked on the 365 Commitment is to actually make changes in my life that are good!   Changing is hard, and it’s easy to stay in old patterns.  But, following the 365 formula, focusing daily on what matters most does bring insight; and learning will happen if we are open to it.  Knock and the door will open.

I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s when it was cool to push back against “uptight” conservative culture.  George Carlin made a comedy routine out of “the seven dirty words” and foul language started to became normalized.  Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor sprinkled F-bombs throughout their routines, and made dropping F-bombs and saying other taboo words without restraint cool, then rap music took it to the next level.

As I grew up, I aspired to iconoclastic ways and disdained pretension (still do).  I grew up around bikers and joined the working world as a construction worker in my teens, cussing was totally normal.  Even though I later became educated in university and joined the white collar world, I always took some pride not being uptight and not being offended by swearing and cussing.  I always enjoyed “blue” comedy that pushed the boundaries.

Well, I think I have learned something, being careful in the language and words we use is not about being “uptight” or “uncool.”  Words change the atmosphere around us for better or worse.  So, I’ve decided to stop indulging in bad language that contributes to, or creates, a negative atmosphere.  I might think it, but I will practice restraint and avoid saying it.  Am I uptight?  Am I a comedian?  No, I am just open to changing myself and my habits for the better.

Ben Wagner (161)

Member The 365 Commitment

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