The 365 Commitment

The Sam

I am always inspired by “the Sam” in a story. For some reason, I find this character infinitely more heroic then the main character. I get the reference to “the sam” from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings books. If you are not familiar with the work (you should be) the story is about a small little creature called a Hobbit who goes on a quest to defeat a rising evil in the world. His name is Frodo, and you have probably heard his name may times and you might have also heard his uncle’s name, Bilbo. The both become the “ring bearer’s” in the story. Ultimately, Frodo becomes the ring bearer and prepares to take a long and dangerous journey in an attempt to destroy the source of an evil entity’s power. However, you never hear about Sam. Samwise Gamgee is the constant companion of Frodo and is there as his guide, his source of motivation and in a few instances the one that would save his life. He represents the simple yearnings in life, the commitments we make, and our loyalty to friends, family and causes. In my opinion, the courage of Samwise outweighs the heroics of Kings, Elves, and Wizards in the story.

There are many other “Sams” in literature. I have made a point to stop and reflect on them when I uncover them. I take note of their courage, their willingness to take on great and tremendous tasks even though they will never be noticed for it. They are the unsung heroes. They might get mentioned here and there, like Onesiphorus did by the Apostle Paul in one of his letters. However, for the most part they come and go quietly, while they do their part to preserve and protect humanity. I was thinking a lot this morning about the characteristics of these types. We get enamored by the popular people, the famous, the heroic, the beautiful ones but there are so many more that do so much more that go unnoticed. I then thought this question – who do I want to be more like?

Definitely, the Sam.

This concept however, opens a whole new world of consideration regarding what to focus on to improve as a human being. The temptation is to focus on the flashy, the fast win, the quick acknowledgement, the pride you feel by having a material possession that others covet. That is fun, we all enjoy that, but it is fleeting and not a long lasting sense of accomplishment. Only the Sam’s of this world pull the shade down at night when retiring knowing in their hearts that the have done their part, however small, to make it a better place. True contentment; a lasting peace is achieved not in dramatic fashion with celebration and worship but rather the quiet peaceful resting place of the warm soul. This is something that is cultivated over time, with quiet discipline and consideration of small things. It is not a state that is achieved quickly, or with a #1 hit on the pop singles chart. It is achieved slowly over time, with a lifetime of humble gratitude taking each life lesson and experience as a reward rather then any praise of others.

I think this is the ultimate reward of waking each life and working on improving yourself. As you spend each day doing what you can to learn from yesterday, to improve ever so slightly, you build upon your experience until you reach a point. This is the wise point of the sage, the pinnacle that only the master can achieve, the vista that only the guru can view. This is the true reward, the life worth seeking and only found on this road that is least traveled. So I tip my hat to the Sam’s of this world, and as I walk on past them quietly taking note in adoration of their true greatness, I can only hope to one day be a footnote in some manuscript somewhere indicating that I helped in some small way. This has become my motivation for keeping habits, following through on my commitments, and trying to make each day the best it can.

Guy Reams

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