So I started a new program. Going for about 10 days now. I am allowing myself to wake up naturally, which seems to be hovering between 4:00am and 4:30am. My natural sleep cycle seems to end right around then, depending on when I go to sleep. Anyway, I have a routine that I have been following for well over 1000 days in a row and I have decided to switch it up a bit. So I am now adding Calisthenics exercises, outside regardless of temperature. So I am following a beginner program that I found and I adding a few exercises each day. Alternating between upper and lower body focus.
First off, I thought I was in ok shape. Meaning my leg strength is pretty good from all the running, but wow. After 4 days of this and I was wiped out. I could barely walk! I also realized out horribly inflexible that I am. I also find it interesting overcoming the mental barrier of standing out in the cold, barefoot and just a pair of shorts doing these types of exercises. I am really awake after I am done, that is for sure!
The benefits are pretty good so far. I feel better and am moving around more. Definitely a good thing to do with all this sitting around all day long. Get the blood flowing, for sure.
Anyway, you might want to try it. 4:30am – outdoor routing in the frigid air. Hooah!
Guy Reams