Do you remember when you got your first car and you parked it out front and reluctantly closed the door and turned in for the evening? I remember that. I also remember the next morning. Woke early, went to the front door and quickly made sure everything was ok. I sat in it for a while and checked everything out, I might have even read the manual. I tried to learn what every know did and what every light indicated. For the next several months, I was scrupulous and careful. That car was constantly clean, I did not eat or drink in it and I did not drive reckless whatsoever. The point is that I REALLY cared.

Fast forward a year or so. The car was full of junk, seats stained. I ran it off road through all manner of debris. It was scratched, dented and dirty. I no longer cared.

The new car feeling. Is that something we can cultivate?

Guy Reams

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