The 365 Commitment

The New Car Morning

Do you remember when you got your first car and you parked it out front and reluctantly closed the door and turned in for the evening? I remember that. I also remember the next morning. Woke early, went to the front door and quickly made sure everything was ok. I sat in it for a while and checked everything out, I might have even read the manual. I tried to learn what every know did and what every light indicated. For the next several months, I was scrupulous and careful. That car was constantly clean, I did not eat or drink in it and I did not drive reckless whatsoever. The point is that I REALLY cared.

Fast forward a year or so. The car was full of junk, seats stained. I ran it off road through all manner of debris. It was scratched, dented and dirty. I no longer cared.

The new car feeling. Is that something we can cultivate?

Guy Reams

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