The 365 Commitment

Day 247 – When Your Mind Says Quit

Many times when you are pushing to improve yourself, your mind will scream at you to quit. Sometimes you can overcome that and sometimes you don’t. I imagine that sometimes, quitting is the right thing to do, but rarely.

Before you listen to the voice that says quit, take a pause and ask yourself where that voice is really coming from. You will absolutely discover that this voice is not coming from the actively conscious you. It is coming from somewhere else. I am not an expert at neural pathology, but I can tell you that your system is designed to avoid failure at all costs. Even the slightest depletion of a resource will cause the firing of a signal that screams stop, stop, stop!

This is probably the case with everything, not just muscle fibers. I imagine even your brain will cry foul if you require it to consume extra resources just putting your brain to work for an extended period of time. You are not used to pushing yourself, your primitive mind is used to getting its way.

In fact, your inner subconscious mind that controls base instinct is probably like a 5 year old child. It has learned that if it screams loud enough or makes enough of a ruckus you will give in. Well tell that little $h!t to go sit in the corner, you need reach for the greatness that you are capable of.

Just like the 5 year old, she will learn her place eventually. If you keep putting her in timeout she will eventually get it. You are not going to put up with that behavior. In my case this morning, I once again had to tell that mind to shut up and I got my workout done. This is a challenge everyday, you will always have resistance. That is just they way it is. Opposition in all things. Through resistance comes strength.

You need to push on through, each day that you do it will keep better. The resistance and opposition will still be there but you will get stronger and stronger.

So when your mind says quit – ask yourself where that thought is really coming from. When you discover it is coming from that primal inner mind, then ask yourself – is my life in danger? When you come back with no, then put that inner mind back where it belongs and lace up those shoes or whatever task you are trying to achieve for the day.

Guy Reams (247)
365 Member

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