The 365 Commitment

Day 288 – Born to Run

Nope, not talking about the Springsteen song. Referring to a book by Chris McDougall regarding his researching into the Tarahumara Indians in Mexico’s copper canyons. A neighbor recommended that I read it after he saw me running one early morning. Not sure I will adopt the penchant for home brewed tequila or the all night rave parties they are fond of having but the culture based on running is certainly fascinating. I have seen a small window into how physical exertion on a regular and constant basis can impact a person’s mental, spiritual, and emotional health.

Many have told me running everyday is a bad idea. I will most likely get injured they all say. Perhaps they are correct and one of these days I will be writing a blog saying that my running streak is officially broken due to a foot or leg injury. This book, however, details a concept that humans are indeed designed to run upright on two legs and that there is a way to run as nature intended for us to do so. Anyway, I will implement some of what I glean from this book and we will see how it goes.

I have been careful. I investigated the right shoes, I follow the general wisdom when it comes to running injury free.  I have also noticed a weird lack of sickness for the last 238 days. I was starting to think I had not got sick for that long – which is amazing. I usually pick up a flu or cold at least once every 3 – 5 months. I realized this morning – that I have got sick during this time period – but it just was not that bad. I recovered quickly. I do remember getting cold like symptoms for about a half day and after pounding vitamins, drinking lots of water and walking up the next day to run again – the symptoms had subsided.

Maybe I have doomed myself to have the worst flu I have every had now that I put this challenge out there – the point I am trying to make is that successful lifestyles ALWAYS incorporate physical exertion in them. The Tarahumara Indians are no exception.

Guy Reams (288)
365 Member

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