The 365 Commitment

Day 340 – Your Attention is Your Energy

Where you focus your attention is where you place your energy. You will, at least eventually, get results on what you put your focus on. Destructive or Constructive, it does not matter. If you focus on something, you are going to apply energy toward it, and then that energy will build up enough to overcome any resistance and cause a result.

This is a concept that can be used for good or bad. For example, if a person becomes fascinated with doing some bad act, and pays attention to it, and thinks about it then their energy will start to be applied toward making that bad act occur and then eventually (given enough time) that energy will build up and overcome any resistance against doing the bad act. I have heard people that make big mistakes in their lives describe this and I think there is enough truth there for us to pay attention.

However, I am more interested in the great good we can achieve by placing our attention on positive outcomes – because as we do so – we will apply our energy toward it. This makes our decision on what to pay attention to so vitally important. You will get results on what you focus on.

The key is making that important decision on what to focus on, which I think is why the 365 Commitment has been so effective for me.

Guy Reams (340)
365 Member

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